The tedium of the 4:4 beat
" . . . on the one occasion when Derrida publicly attempted to associate words with music, he was, for the only time in his life according to his own account, booed off stage." - Dayan, Music Writing Literature, 2006.
I was saying 'booerns.'
Ze Germans set up a Christmas market in das Gartenhozen ein Princes Straße for the whole of December. I went there. I had mulled wine -- a recent addition to my "Most Favourite Things in the World" list.
Otherwise, very busy. Very tired. Positive feedback on my forays as a wannabe-contemplative into the bowels of academic sociomusicology -- my essays. There's even been some talk of what it would look like to take the training-wheels off my musicological bike. We'll see.
Photograph the Wheel: no charge. Ride the Wheel: £3. Both were worth it.

Round. And round.

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