Keeping it Riel
Some things I've done in the past week or so. I also did a lot of research, but those pictures didnae turn out.
1. The Falkirk Wheel: For just £84.5 million, you too can lift a 300 tonne combination of water and boat 115 feet in the air with the amount of energy it takes to boil your electric kettle 8 times -- or 8 kettles once.

2. Patrick and Anna Devine, along with a not-so-flatteringly posed Kyle Devine, in Kilsyth.

3. With Alison from -- memorise this funny place name -- Seattle. We're on top of Arthur's Seat.

4. A view of our way up Arthur's seat. There was no path. It was dangerous.

I love that wheel. I watched a documentary on the making of said wheel on the Discovery Channel. I want to see it too. Please please please. See you soon I hope (soon = 4.5 months)
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