An Anti-Musicology of the Pop Song
Hallo (Norsk for 'Hello' -- Norsk is Norsk for Norwegian). In case you're wondering, I'm heading to Norway over Christmas, so I'm brushing up on my language skills. My most useful phrase will be "Snakker du engelsk?"
I'll be posting some more pictures sometime next week, after I attend my first SPAN (Scottish Pop Academics Network) meeting at Glasgow Caledonian on Friday, and after I visit the Sound Archives at the British Library in London on Monday. For now, these'll have to do.
A beautiful Scottish woman singing beautiful Scottish music in a beautiful Scottish cabaret: Camera Obscura

Meet The Tiny, from Sverige. They're extremely good. Note that Mr Swedish man is playing a saw

Portobello: A beach near/in Edinburgh

From left to right: Sanna (Finland), Nick (Little Rock), Alison (with one L from Seattle with two Ts)

Me and my new guitar

I want to see Camera Obscura. I wish I was in Scotland. I want a pet monkey. I pooped a hammer.
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