Shock, Outrage, Moustaches on the Mona Lisa
9000 average sized green and yellow balloons + gigantic blue balloons + fans in fuzzy bunny costumes + roadies in super hero outfits + hundreds of thousands of bits of confetti + one large inflatable martian with dancing martians on the left side + one large inflatable Santa Claus with dancing Santa Clauses on the right side + a lead singer crowd surfing in an inflatable hamster bubble + crazy lazers + good rock music = the Flaming Lips concert in Glasgow at the SECC on Friday night. Pictures of the concert will be posted soon-ish.
Other highlights included missing the last train, missing the bus because there were too many people, and barely getting on the extra bus that was sent.
Went to a good pub on Saturday. Met a Scottish lad who, whenever he's asked to take pictures of tourists at touristy spots, purposefully crops their heads out of the photo. Pretty funny, if you ask me. Also met an American girl who's friend is married to one of the guys in Hüsker Dü.
Here's a nice bridge over the River Clyde in Glasgow:

hearing a story about taking pictures in europe reminds me of the story aboutt he mullet hairdresser cutting the mullet customers hair. fantatstic story. anyway...cant wait to come to scotland and have my head cut off.
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