A Week in Edinburgh: Words and Pictographs
Irn-Bru; haggis in a can; vegetarian haggis (but no tofu); ceilidh; overcast; soaked by motorists; first fist fight (bystander); beer that drinks like a meal; £-Stretcher; when Kyle met Simon; two is the loneliest number (of musicology students); castle; National Gallery of Scotland; Tesco; Van Gogh; cact-us; accent accident; sleep off the year; closes and wynds; dollars and cents vs. pounds and pence; recycling: ?; Camera Obscura (October); three-point turns on busy two-way streets; The Walkmen; of all the Scotch tape-less places; moving?
1. Out my window - street level (west)
2. Out my window - southwest
3. Mainz - after I spent two mapless hours looking for it, it's closed on Mondays
4. Out my window - the Castle at night
5. Out my window - the music building has racing stripes
6. Snakes on Chris/Erin's wall
7. Kyle on a plane
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