Phat Phlat Photos and PhDs
Thankfully, I moved this weekend. If you're reading this and don't yet have the address, email me and I'll get it to you.
- Alison, PhD in parapsychology (remember Ghostbusters?). Interesting fact: A pigeon got into her old room over Christmas break, broke a bunch of stuff, shat all over her books, and died in her slippers. I call her the 'Pigeon Whisperer.'
- Mary, PhD on breakdancing, studying with Simon Frith, my same advisor. Interesting facts: Grew up in good ol' Brandon Manitoba before moving to Ontario; will be teaching me B-Boy moves.
So far we've taken three days to learn how to use the heat, but all the cold has easily been worth it.
We've got a spare room, if you're ever in Edinburgh.
Now I'll be getting back to my precious book learnin'.
Alison, Kyle & Mary in our kitchen (which looks out over a community lawn bowling pitch)

Mary, breakdancing in the kitchen

Alison & Kyle standing in front of our (somewhat transparent) stained glass bathroom door

Alison & Mary in our living room

Me in my (still bare) room

hey dude-r, none of these pictures loaded up, so we can't admire your new flat. I'm sure its the best thing since sliced bread (sliced bread having been invented the previous winter...)
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