Winnipeg Days
I guess the biggest and best bit of blog-worthy news is that I finished my MMus. (!)
So I took a ride on a fire hydrant . . .
And went for a beer with my friend Sarah (Vancouver) . . .
And successfully tried out the Sri Lankan dhal curry recipe that Alison (flatmate) taught me . . .
And went out with my bandmates Greg and Jeremy, as well as their lovely wives (Amanda and Joelle) . . .
And went to a BBQ with Joe, Ian, Dev & co (friends I've played hockey with since we were 6 or something) . . .
And had nachos with Edmontonians Chad and his fiance Jill (I'm in the wedding party), Winnipeggers Nicole and her boyfriend Dean, and Ottawan Phil (that's his hand on the hot sauce, bottom right) . . .
And played guitar at my friend Mel's wedding.
Sheesh that's a lot of stuff. Jeanette pulled a daft face at the wedding.